Modeling the 1/32 Apollo spacecraft

After designing parts for the 1/32 Monogram model, I decided to create a complete 1/32 CSM, the reason being that the Monogram model suffers a number of flaws, particularly on the dimensions of the Command Module. This new model tries to correct these flows. Furthermore the Command Module is offered in various configurations such as during flight or after splashdown, closed or cutaway versions.

Various part are offered on Shapeways in 1/32 and 1/16 scales. You just have to click on the rendering image to find the proper part. If you have a printer you also have the possibility to download the files on Cult3D, the scale is 1/32 but of course you can rescale the files as you wish to create your model. For large scale you can use a FDM printer but I strongly suggest (at least for 1/32) to use a resin printer as all the details will be completely visible.

You can refer to this web site for building this model or download the instruction booklets


Various patterns needed for the Command Module build are available here (click on the images, the links are also mentioned in the explanation of the build herebelow) :

Command Module

The splashdown version

 Material :
Additional parts available from :


or click on the links under each image



Space Model Systems

Part 11

Scale 1/32 - Scale 1/16

Part 1b

Scale 1/32 - Scale 1/16

Part 01a

Scale 1/32 - Scale 1/16
Part 02c

Scale 1/32 - Scale 1/16
Parts 03a, 04a, 05, 06, 07, 08,
09, 10, 28, 29, 30, 32, 33

Scale 1/32 - Scale 1/16
Parts 12, 15, 20, 21,
22, 23, 24, 25, 26

Scale 1/32 - Scale 1/16
Part 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 27

Scale 1/32 - Scale 116
Part 31c

Scale 1/32 - Scale 1/16
Parts 34, 35, 36, 37, 38

Scale 1/32 - Scale 1/16
Parts 45a, 46, 47, 48, 49,
50, 51, 52, 53a, 54

Scale 1/32 - Scale 1/16
Part 43a

Scale 1/32 - Scale 1/16
Part 43b

Scale 1/32 - Scale 1/16
Part 44a

Scale 1/32 - Scale 1/16
Parts 55, 57, 61

Scale 1/32 - Scale 1/16
Part 66

Scale 1/32 - Scale 1/16
Parts 45b, 45c

Scale 1/32 - Scale 1/16
Parts 69a, 69b, 69c, 69d

Scale 1/32 - Scale 1/16
Parts 56a to 56j

Scale 1/32 - Scale 1/16
Parts 56k to 56q

Scale 1/32 - Scale 1/16
Parts 56r to 56t

Scale 1/32 - Scale 1/16
Parts 70, 71, 72

Scale 1/32 - Scale 1/16
Parts 73, 74

Scale 1/32 - Scale 1/16

Click on the images below to get an explanation of the build :

The flight version

Material :
Additional parts available from :


or click on the links under each image



Space Model Systems

Part 11

Scale 1/32 - Scale 1/16

Part 01a

Scale 1/32 - Scale 1/16
Part 02a

Scale 1/32 - Scale 1/16
Part 02b

Scale 1/32 - Scale 1/16
Part 02c

Scale 1/32 - Scale 1/16
Parts 03a, 04a, 05, 06, 07, 08,
09, 10, 28, 29, 30, 32, 33

Scale 1/32 - Scale 1/16
Parts 03a, 04b, 05, 06, 07, 08,
09, 10, 28, 29, 30, 32, 33

Scale 1/32 - Scale 1/16
Parts 03b

Scale 1/32 - Scale 1/16
Parts 03c

Scale 1/32 - Scale 1/16
Part 01b

Scale 1/32 - Scale 1/16
Parts 12, 15, 20, 21,
22, 23, 24, 25, 26

Scale 1/32 - Scale 1/16
Part 44a

Scale 1/32 - Scale 1/16
Parts 55, 57, 61

Scale 1/32 - Scale 1/16
Part 66

Scale 1/32 - Scale 1/16
Parts 45b, 45c

Scale 1/32 - Scale 1/16
Part 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 27

Scale 1/32 - Scale 116
Part 31c

Scale 1/32 - Scale 1/16
Parts 45a, 46, 47, 48, 49,
50, 51, 52, 53a, 54

Scale 1/32 - Scale 1/16
Part 43a

Scale 1/32 - Scale 1/16
Part 31a

Scale 1/32 - Scale 1/16
Part 31b

Scale 1/32 - Scale 1/16
Parts 37, 39

Scale 1/32 - Scale 1/16
Parts 37, 40

Scale 1/32 - Scale 1/16

Click on the images below to get an explanation of the build :

Service Module

The closed version

  Click on the images below to get an explanation of the build :

The cutaway version

Click on the images below to get an explanation of the build :

Connecting the Command and Service Modules

Click on the images below to get an explanation of the build :

The various configurations of J missions

For the J missions (Apollo 15 to 17) the configurations will be different whether this is Apollo 15 & 16 or Apollo 17 or whether you want to depict the spacecraft in lunar orbit or during the trans-Earth EVA. Here are the various possible configurations.

Click on the images below to get an explanation of the build :

A stand for the CSM

The stand was specifically designed to be printed with a filament printer.

Click on the images below to get an explanation of the build :