APOLLO 17 - Taurus-Littrow
Apollo 17, Taurus-Littrow, EVA 1, 11 December 1972, frames A17-134-20420 to A17-134-20425. Panorama taken by Gene Cernan at Station 1. Jack Schmidt is shown shaking soil out of the
rake after making a swath through the surface soil. Seismic Charge 6 can be seen between the LRV and Jack Schmidt.
Apollo 17, Taurus-Littrow, EVA 1, 11 December 1972, frames A17-134-20440 to A17-134-20446. Panorama taken by Gene Cernan at Station 1. Jack Schmidt is shown deploying the SEP
Apollo 17, Taurus Littrow, EVA 2, 12 December 1972, frames A17-135-20547 to A17-135-20549. Panorama taken by Jack Schmitt on the SEP site. Also in view are the Rover tracks that Gene Cernan laid out as a guide for deployment of the SEP transmitter antenna wires.
Apollo 17, Taurus Littrow, EVA 3, 13 December 1972, frames A17-140-21366 to A17-140-21373. Panorama taken by Jack Schmitt at the start of EVA-3 before the drive to Station 6. Gene Cernan is working at the Rover. Wessex Cleft is in the distance. A detail shows the curl that has developed on the rear corners of the replacement fender.
Apollo 17, Taurus Littrow, EVA 3, 13 December 1972, frames A17-141-21598 to A17-141-21599. Panorama taken by Jack Schmitt at Station 6. Gene Cernan is seen twice on this picture, first removing the TGE from the back of the Rover on the left and placing the gravimeter on the surface behind the Rover on the right. Henry is the large crater beyond Gene Cernan on the valley floor and Bear Mountain is the nearest of the background hills beyond Henry.
Apollo 17, Taurus Littrow, EVA 3, 13 December 1972, frames A17-143-21836 and A17-143-21856. Panorama taken by Jack Schmitt at Station 9. Gene Cernan is seen twice on this picture, hammering a double core tube and bringing it back to the rover. Note the replacement fender on the right back wheel.
Apollo 17, Taurus Littrow, Post EVA 3, 13 December 1972, frames A17-134-20524, A17-145-22224 and A17-145-22225. Jack schmitt first took a couple of Photographs of Gene Cernan while he was still wearing his spacesuit, note the dirt on his suit and his three-day growth of beard, Circuit Breaker panel 11 is behind him and the rendezvous window is above his head. After removing their suits they piled them on the ascent engine with their helmets. On can imagine in this panoramic view of the LM cabin that it is only Schmitt suit visible over the ascent engine while both suits are piled there. Schmitt took some pictures of Gene Cernan after he removed his suit but all were either too dark or blurred like A17-134-20517.